Thoughts on Balance

Do you remember the old food pyramid? You probably had to memorize it at some point. It had all of the essential foods. The point of the pyramid was to show what foods were necessary in your food intake for what they called balanced nutrition. Your body was designed by a Master Creator who intended for certain things to be used to energize the body and help it to grow in the healthiest way possible. Fruits, vegetables, protein, and carbs are all necessary—in the proper amounts.

Our bodies also need a good balance of rest and exercise. We need sleep to reboot. We need exercise to get good cardio health. Too much rest can be detrimental to the body. We have all seen people who lose their strength after extended stays in the hospital. However, too much exercise can also exhaust the body and rob it of the nutrients it needs for normal growth and wellness. Balance is the key.

The same can also be said about our mental health. There are lots of pressures that we face each and every day. Kids, teens, and adults alike face long days of work and learning. For many students and adults there may be more work (homework or after school jobs or second jobs for adults). In addition, there are ball games to play or coach. Life can be extremely busy and hectic. Then we often wonder why we are mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted. It is because there is very little balance in our time and in our work schedules. People are often moving from one thing to another for most of the seven days.

Once again, balance is the key. Think back to simpler times. Even 50 or 60 years ago there was less to be involved in. Most people didn’t play sports 12 months out of the year and there wasn’t social media to waste time in mindless scrolling. If you go back 200 years (and all those thousands of year before), most things were done by sun down. They didn’t have electricity so they would wrap up the day and get rest. Think about it: You didn’t hear of nearly the amount of anxiety and depression in those days. They spent time in quiet reflection on front porches and in candlelight. There was more balance. They worked, but they also rested.

God, from the very beginning, implemented a day of rest (Genesis 2:2). He knew that man needed to rest and that it was important to mandate such a day because we have a tendency to stay busy every moment of every day. Let me challenge you to think about considering balance in your life—in all areas. Examine your eating habits. Consider where you spend your time and energy. How much time do you spend with friends vs. time on social media? How much time do you spend considering positive things (Philippians 4:8-9) vs. watching the negative news? Do you take time for self-care activities like prayer, hobbies, meditation, etc.?

Just remember: Balance is the key.



Thoughts on Self-Talk


Thoughts on Grief